25 December 2010

TOP TEN TOYS OF 2010 - #7

#7 - Soldier Story U.S. Navy SEAL SDV Team 1 Headsculpt.



Soldier Story has been releasing some amazing head sculpts. Their most notable of this year I believe is the above Soldier Story U.S. Navy SEAL SDV Team 1 figure. The sculpt clearly being based upon actor Stephen Lang playing the hardcore soldier Colonel Miles Quaritch in the movie Avatar. Specifically right down to the scars.


This is a head sculpt that is just completely full of character which is why I love it. I got mine specifically for the role of my Spygirl Gillian's boss for her photo stories.




He does need a bit of work. I'm going to repaint his hair to look more like the actor's actual hair color, just give it a bit more highlight and definition. I'll also redo his eyes and tone down the scars some to look more natural.

Once all that is done, then I will obtain a nice dress suit for him to wear so he looks like an archetypal "Company Man" which will suit his role as Gillian's boss.

Thanks for following.

1 comment:

Mick said...

Oh, I haven't seen this head before. It's a great one! I put it on my to buy list.