12 April 2011


Hey Everybody,

So we already know my insane obsession with Gillian... Starting with the Fashion Fever Gillian, Then making the less "Babsish" TTL Gillian, and now the Barbie Basics Gillian...



I'd fought with the urge to get her after Erica brought her to my attention a few months back... but after some prodding my others... I broke down and got her to see how she would look.



I mounted her onto a TTL large bust body, and then repainted her eyes gradient brown, and gave her Gillian's trademark freckles.

I think she came out looking nice... but sadly... I'm just not feeling it. The head is pretty in it's own right, but I'm just not getting the same vibe from her. The wide expressive eyes of the other two emote a sense of fun, where as the Basics head seems more somber.



Perhaps I just need to let her grow on me more.

LMK what you all think?

Thanks for following.


D7ana said...

Hi Will!

Side-by-side, the Barbie Basics #14 doll has a shorter face. Her eyes are similar, but smaller. I had not thought Gillian's face/head would be so much larger.

Still they are all lovely dolls. Perhaps BB#14 could be a cousin of Gillian?

Anonymous said...

I like the total TTL. She just has such a distinct gorgeous look. I think they would all look great in your various Movie posters though (hint, hint)!


Anonymous said...

Great repaint on Gillian v3 !
Do you really need to get the same vibe from Gillian v3 as you get from the original Fashion Fever Gillian ?

I found this Carole King Super Hits album, the way Carole King smiles on the cover picture reminds me of your FV Gillian.

- erix700

Silent G said...

Thanks Everybody :)

I have warmed up to the new Gillian, I was just getting a different vibe from her than the others, which no, isn't a bad thing. Still deciding on where to take her with it though.