16 January 2010

Marci Nairey: Soldier of Fortune

Marci Nairey knew at an early age that she wasn't cut out for a typical girl's life. Born into a wealthy family and being a born fighter, she spent her educational years in prestigious private girls schools. Instead of going to college Marci decided to travel the world to experience and learn new things and meet foreign peoples... with the intention of being paid to take their lives...

She travelled the globe tagging along with soldiers of fortune and getting the best paramilitary training her parent's money could buy (unbeknown to them) in various countries to learn the arts of war in pursuit of her ideal of a fun and lucrative living as a soldier of fortune herself.

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Marci spends the majority of her time living and working in the many hostile regions of the third world countries of the African continent.

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Marci's livelihood has certainly left it's mark. Often seen with her hair covering the right side of her face in an attempt to hide an unfortunate mar to her beauty... a large facial burn scar caused during an explosion several years ago.

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Marci is based on the Hot Toys Blonde Secret Service ERT Girl. I originally repainted her eyes to brown when I got her. I only recently decided to add the scarring the other day after looking at her and thinking of an interesting reason for how her hair lays over her right side of her face. The scarring was done using Liquitex Light Modelling Paste mixed with some Liquitex flesh tones. I simple stippled the mixed on the face (It has the consistency of cake frosting) and then I sponged it with a mixture of pink / purple, and then finally drybrushed it to blend it. Overall it came out looking quite nicely like the reference photos of facial burn scarring I looked into prior.

Her gear is a mix currently of 21C, Hasbro, BBI, ACE, and Sideshow.

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