29 July 2011


Hey Everybody,

So this is one of the last things I got before having to reorder my finances. I didn't purchase the entire figure, more just the nude figure and some of his accessories. I'm not super keen on many licensed products, but often those products tend to yield good headsculpts and parts that would make for nice personalized projects. So when Sideshow's G.I.JOE: RAH Stalker was unveiled, I knew I wanted his head. Stalker has one of the best ethnic sculpts I have seen in a long time. So luckily, I just happened to have caught a Toy Anxiety part out at the right time shortly after his release. So I ordered his headsculpt.



I was hesitant to get his body, as I had heard some off putting things about the Sideshow Prometheus body, but rather than worry about a skintone match trying to put him on another body, and being that this is like the 3rd generation of this body, I thought it was safe enough to try. I have to say that the body isn't bad. It's rather on par with the Toys City male bodies. It only has a little play / looseness in the ankles, but that's really it, overall it was decently sturdy.


Something I like with Sideshow's G.I.JOE figures is the hands... on average each figure comes with 6 hands (Some even more)... 3 poses for each side to accommodate a variety of accessories. I ordered an extra pair of gloved hands for him as well so I would have extra wrist posts to put a pair of Hot Toys relaxed hands from the Barack Obama-esque True Type, so that my figure could have relaxed bare hands. They are a fair enough skintone match.



So the other accessories I got from Stalker were his old style 3.75" figure's HK MP5-esque submachine gun, which was OK, not the best piece, I think they modeled it directly after the 3.75" weapon... because it has just about as much detail... in retrospect I'd have passed on this piece having seen it in hand first.



I also ordered a pair of his Khukri knives... they are a piece of art. Nice sheaths that are reversible, and the blades themselves are fantastic. I didn't snap any pics of those as they are on the workbench in preparation for addition to a project. Overall I am quite pleased with the figure. I will probably do an eye repaint like I normally do on all my figures, but for now he's good until I decide who he is going to be.




Thanks for following,


Anonymous said...

I had stalker as a kid ( the RAH version ). The face is about the same but he wasn't bald. The are way too many bald AA male figures. I think they should have given him some hair, even if it was painted on so that the beret would still fit. Sideshow took the easy route on this sculpt.
I'm happy that you gave the Prometheus a " thumbs" up. I have a couple of heads that can utilize that body & they are fairly less expensive.
All in all, Stalker is a unique figure if you get him and use him whole (uniform accessories & all) but as a kit bash he lack uniqueness because of the lack of hair. Put an eye patch on him & guess who you've got ?
Now that I see you can use the hot toys hand I still may get one though !

corsetkitten (aka Erica) said...

He looks like a great addition! I certainly wouldn't say no to adding him to my collection.

The hair is a No-issue IMO. It's plastic. Go buy a bit of paint and add it if you need to. Or, go get some flocking and flock it. (I really don't think he needs any hair though). As they say here "Easy Peasy Lemon Squeezy!"

You could give him better defined eyebrows though, and better painted eyes! (go on--you know you wanna!)

D7ana said...

Wow, I didn't know Sideshow produced Joes like this. (Okay, I haven't thoroughly investigated what Joes Sideshow produces, lazy me.) Nice face sculpt.

I love the fatigue background, too. Very nice way to set this figure off. Review is helpful, too. Mind if I post a link to this review on my website?

Wondering ... it is "proper net etiquette" to ask to post links? Or should we just post away? I get fuzzy on that point sometimes.

Silent G said...

I agree, I do think he would have more character with some hair. With some hair he'd actually look like one of my Drill Sergeants from years ago.

The Prometheus is decent. The only downside is the lack of feet because of the ankle design.

I probably will get around to touching him up Erica :)

Thanks D7ana :) You are always welcome to link to anything on my blog you would like to :)

D7ana said...

Thanks, "Will" do ;-)